What Is a F**K Budget? + How Creating Yours Will Make You Happier and More Productive!

Good morning people!

Have you heard of a F**k budget? No? If you haven't then you must not have read the awesome "The Life-changing Magic of Not Giving a F**K" which is one of my all time favourite personal development books. 

One of the concepts I liked best from the book was that of the F**K budget. This is part of the "Not Sorry" method that Sarah Knight writes about and it is no ordinary budget. It is based on the concept that, being human, we only have a certain amount of f**ks to give before we reach burnout and become overwhelmed. 

Put simply, this is a concrete method of deciding what you will keep giving a f**k about (ie. what you will spend your time and energy on) and what is not important enough to drain your f**k budget. 

Plus, lets be real, the title is SASSY as hell! 

Knight believes that your f**ks should fall into four categories to make things easier to tackle: things, work, friends and family. 

A few examples of things I kept in my F**k budget were:

* Quality time with my partner once a week (without phones or technology)
* Meet-ups with the whole family at least once a month
* Getting our new home together sorted (a long-term project that's still in the works!)
* My professional development
* Forming good habits that keep me organised and productive. 
* Maintaining a good relationship with my colleagues.
* Developing my blog platform and learning how to be a better blogger/Youtuber. 
* Keeping quality friendships going
* Taking an annual trip with my best girls.
* Looking after my health (for me this means eating healthily and going for regular walks)
* Saving money

Things I decided to eliminate from my f**k budget were:

* Negative opinions from others (ignore that sh*t, you don't need it in your life!)
* People pleasing ( for me this means saying yes to everyone else before my own needs are met)
* Comparing myself and my life to other people's (Just why torture ourselves when we don't have to?!)

* Always being the instigator in one-way friendships and relationships
* Toxic friends who keep taking but don't give back
* Toxicity whether in person or on social media (That's what the block and unfollow buttons are for people!)


I am extremely fortunate to have an amazing family and support network, so I won't be giving any of them up!

* Taking on other colleagues work before I've finished my own and not getting credit just because "they asked so nicely"
* Stressing about things that are out of my control.

So there you have it! My life will definitely be far less anxious and stressful if I stick to this budget. I really believe everyone can benefit from sitting down and creating a f**k budget. All you need is a pen and paper or a smartphone and no excuses. The chances are there are things in you're life that you are doing because you feel like you have to, not because they're things you care about. 

Remember you can't take care of anyone if you can't take care of yourself first. 

I hope you all have a happy, healthy and productive day and I will see you soon!

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